Jillian and Frank | El Monte Sagrado Destination Wedding | Taos, NM

Mix a breathtaking landscape with a bunch of art and ancient history and you've got Taos, New Mexico. Beyond the tangible reasons why Taos is awesome, there is an energy (a "vibe", if you will) that just makes Taos a wonderful place to be.

Jillian and Frank had experienced the magic of Taos from many trips there over the years and knew El Monte Sagrado Resort would be the perfect place to host their elegant, intimate winter wedding. 

Jillian and her girls prepped in the famous Kama Sutra suite while Frank's mom and sisters fussed over him in his room until his classic tux and black tie were just right. Once every every hair was in place, the crisp Taos air warmed around Jillian and Frank as they savored their first moments of the day together.

We had to squeeze all of their portraits in before their ceremony, which was scheduled for just before sunset. After a few snowy shots, we headed for the gorgeous rotunda and baby grand piano inside (Jillian is a huge fan of the piano, opting for a piano player over a DJ during her reception).

After a teary ceremony that was over too fast, it was on to wine, dinner, and dancing. The night ended with a classic (and very cold!) sparkler send off as Jillian and Frank retreated with full hearts to the Kama Sutra suite.

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